FPSA introduction

Supporting those working in mental health services

The Foundation for Professionals in Services to Adolescents (FPSA) aims to improve adolescent mental health.  We do this through our Journal and by making grants and awards to support professional development.

Funding staff development and training

We offer funding for conferences, events, research, training and education for those employed to do mental health work. We also fund staff development and initiatives that offer support to frontline staff across child and adolescent mental health services. For example, specialised in-patient, day patient and outpatient units, and professions including nursing, psychiatry and much more, to view the types of training FPSA fund, click here.   Guidance notes for the application process are available here.  Find out more about Funding and apply online.

Sharing knowledge: FPSA briefings and reports

We publish post funding reports from awardees on this website, and are owners of the renowned publication, Journal of Adolescence. You'll also find links to our briefing papers here.

Offering over 40 year's experience in mental health services

We've supported mental health services since 1968, when we were founded as the Association for the Psychiatric Study of Adolescence. We are a grant giving charity led by our trustees, who understand adolescent mental health services because they work or worked in relevant services. 

Applying for Funding

The Foundation for Professionals in Services to Adolescents (FPSA) offers funding for relevant courses, conferences and training. Find out who can apply now. FPSA do not provide retrospective funding, if you have already paid for a course, training or conference you cannot apply for funding. Please check the deadlines for applications before you submit.

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